link download album cover: http://bit.ly/2IZfpxE
link download press photo: http://bit.ly/2vsTaNc
“Deena Lynch (aka Jaguar Jonze) is nothing short of a manifold visionary”
“It’s thanks to art and music that Deena is now, to put it one way, straight-up killing it”
“Jaguar Jonze’s enviable ability to effortlessly saunter between genres and a range of influences, blowing down the barriers as she rattles on with a primal energy. A multi-faceted artist, Lynch also has digital illustration and photography creative endeavours that subvert and challenge”
Line Of Best Fit
“To sum up the creative explosion that is Deena Lynch into a neat little elevator pitch would have even the most qualified of journalists in tears.”
Tone Deaf
“We don’t even have words for how good Jaguar Jonze’s set was (which is problematic considering we’re journalists and writing is literally how we pay our bills)
Industry Observer
“…the video boasts a Tarantino-esque dance-off, all bathed in an unsettling red…It matches the intoxicating song…we can’t wait to see what this exciting artist does next”
Cool Accidents
“Jaguar Jonze if you’re reading this, please tell us your secrets. You’re a downright goddess of a human”
Left Bank Magazine
“Lynch has already demonstrated that she is one of the great young storytellers in the business”
The Revue
Dopo i singoli ‘You Got Left Behind’, ‘Beijing Baby’, ‘Kill Me With Your Love’ e il più recente ‘Rabbit Hole’, con cui ha concorso agli Eurovision Australia Decides 2020, l’’artista australiana Jaguar Jonze, pseudonimo di Deena Lynch, annuncia ‘Diamonds & Liquid Gold’ il suo EP di debutto in arrivo il 17 aprile per Nettwerk.
Jaguar Jonze si è fatta notare per il suo unico e incomparabile talento che risulta sempre in evoluzione e mai prevedibile.
“It feels surreal to finally be putting out an EP. I feel like this EP is a journal to the first 18 months of Jaguar Jonze so it’s a bit eclectic in nature. It explores heartbreak, mental health and self-discovery and hopefully, invites people into the world I’ve spent so long creating and learning to share with no boundaries,” dice Deena.
‘Rabbit Hole’ è l’ultimo singolo estratto dal suo EP di debutto, e il video, diretto da Ribal Hosn (Harper’s Bazaar, David Jones, Vogue, Wonderland, Oyster Magazine), il video di ‘Rabbit Hole’ esplora i concetti di caos e vulnerabilità che si affrontano nella canzone. “‘Rabbit Hole’ explores the relationship we have with our vulnerabilities and how it manifests into different coping mechanisms. Music and art have become integral to my healing and awareness and the song is another part of that exploration. I am a huge fan of Ribal’s work and his ability to draw out intimacy from the smallest movements and angles through his art form. With the video, Ribal and I wanted to paint a story of anxiety, identity crisis, paranoia, and false hope rolled into one short video and I’m really proud of what we have achieved in both its simplicity and its complexity.”
Jaguar Jonze si è guadagnata l’attenzione dei media locali The Music, Fashion Journal, Industry Observer e Tone Deaf, che di lei ha scritto “to sum up the creative explosion that is Deena Lynch into a neat little elevator pitch would have even the most qualified of journalists in tears.” È stata nominata da Cool Accidents “Artist To Watch” per BIGSOUND 2019 e da Triple J “Unearthed Feature Artist,” facendo il suo debutto su “Like A Version” con una cover della canzone dei Nirvana “Heart-Shaped Box,” insieme all’amico Hermitude. Jaguar Jonze è anche stata scelta tra I candidati di Eurovision Australia Decides 2020 durante i quali si è esibita con il suo nuovo singolo “Rabbit Hole” davanti a 2 milioni di persone. Dopo essere stata inserita numerose volte nelle playlist di Spotify e Apple Music, FLAUNT Magazine l’ha nominata “nothing short of a manifold visionary.” Grazie a tutta l’attenzione attirata verso di sé, è riuscita a farsi notare da SXSW che l’ha invitata a fare il suo debutto live negli Stati Uniti al festival musicale di questo anno.